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No matter what type of project you’re working on, Therm-O-Comfort has an effective solution to your insulating needs.

Agricultural cow


Any structure used for the purpose of raising or breeding livestock or warehousing produce, crops, or equipment can be considered an agricultural building. The most common structures are dairy, cattle, hog, and poultry barns as well as horse stables and equipment sheds.

Whether the building houses machinery, crops, or animals, they all can benefit from easy-to-install blown or spray fibre insulation. What makes our product ideally suited to agricultural applications is its ability to perform in moist environments. Whether the environment needs to be maintained in a moist, warm, or cool condition, our insulation will not let you down. Not only does it control moisture movement but also prevents condensation.

Agricultural barn

Although, it may seem counterintuitive that a natural fibre could control moisture, there is a very good reason why this occurs. The material is dense enough to prevent the free movement of moist air and its cellulosic make-up allows the product to chemically absorb, hold, and release moisture through a natural diffusion process. Thus, warm, moist air is not given an opportunity to come into contact with cool dew point or surface.

Coupled with its active ingredient (boric acid), our products help prevent spoilage of crops and protect livestock against the deleterious effects associated will airborne spores. Boric acid is well documented as an active ingredient to control invasive insect species: ants, termites, and cockroaches.

Agricultural pig barn

Our products are very safe to use around livestock and crops. Unlike preformed glass fibre products, our products do not contain urea or phenol-based adhesive, which are known to support and even promote the growth of toxic fungi. Livestock will not be exposed to respirable glass fibres, which have been linked to a number of respiratory problems.

All ingredients used in our products are water soluble salts, which are benign and safe to use around livestock, produce, and other cash crops. There are no known long-term effects associated with cellulose insulation, and any accidental ingestion or inhalation of our product is easily expelled or flushed by the body with no lasting effect.